Dr. Sanjay Shah, President POS, Pune
Here I take an opportunity to thank all the POS members for electing me as a President for thr year 2016-2017. All the past presidents so far have been of great distinction and dedication to POS. I hope to work with the same vigour, enthusiasm & dedication upholding the guiding principals of trust, integrityand transperancy in all matters.
I have completed my Ophthalmology training from Govt. Medical College Nagpur under the Guidance of my Teacher Prof. Dr.  S. N. Karandikar. I happen to land in Pune because of the post that I got in KEM Hospital and it was because of DR. S. B. Kelkar sir who showed faith in me and selecting me for the post of Part time Ophthalmologist way back in 1990.Since then he supported me and I am sure he will continue to shower his blessings on me during my tenure as a President POS and the years to come.
Currently we have an important matter of A-B scan registration with local authority under PCPNDT act in Mumbai High court which was well taken by our President Dr. MadhavBhat and I will work with his support and will see to it that the result goes in our favour.
I want all of you to know that all the leading institutions have come forward to hold clinical meetings during the coming year and will ensure good participation and discussion from our seniors and juniors members which will help every one to have a good take home message form the difficult cases presented by our members.
Its my earnest request to my collegues from all the leading institutions to come together and arrange a postgraduate lecture series for PG students and as a part of the same I propose to conduct a Phaco training ( A – Z in Phacoeulsification ) program in AUGUST at KEM hospital with help of eminent faculty , the details will be informed to you subsequently.
As a part of social awareness on the preventable blindness I propose to conduct programs on Prevention and early detection of Diabetic Retinopathy / Glaucoma/ Cataracat/ and Eye donation .
I am sure after a busy academic activities it becomes necessary to relax our mind and body with the same intention we will have Cultural programs, For fitness enthusiastTrecking and cycling And for the sports lovers to have games like carrom / table tennis/ bandminton during the later part of the year.
My team will put in all efforts to give you an academic feast in forthcoming annual conference. I thank D. Kishore Pahuja for roping in Prof. Chee a well known Cataract Surgeon from SNEC Singapore.We plan to have a 3D cataract show during the annual conference a first of its kind in Pune.
I seek your cooperation in making all my plans to materialize and to take our society to the new high level socially and academically.
With kind regards,
Dr. Sanjay Shah